Reply To: Black Man in a White Coat, 54-102, 105-152

Home Forums Grant’s Sections Black Man in a White Coat, 54-102, 105-152 Reply To: Black Man in a White Coat, 54-102, 105-152


In response to Iris’s comment: “we are still operating on a largely “treatment-based” system instead of a “preventative care” approach”
I definitely agree that there needs to be a transition to preventative care nationwide. I feel like there is almost an ethical duty of public health to do so because knowing that there are factors that contributes/ results in adverse health conditions and not doing something to help prevent it before it starts sounds cruel. It shows the unwillingness to change our ways. A preventative strategy would also effect the business oriented mindset of the health care industry. You make money by having patients who are sick, need medication, or going for check ups.