Important Information from your Instructors

Dear Students,

We write, knowing that all our lives have been profoundly transformed since we last saw you. Our world is changing daily. With so much uncertainty, we want to give you specific details about what to expect in ANTH 272/ENGL 264 moving forward.

  • YOU: Of primary concern to us is your safety and wellbeing. We will be in touch with each of you, by email, to hear how you are doing and what special considerations you may need.
  • Readings: We have adapted the readings to meet our changed times. Please check out the revisions here:
  • Writing: The due date for Essay #2 is Friday, March 27 at 11:59 p.m. Your Reading Response is due Wednesday, April 8th at 11:59pm; assignment to follow.
  • Lectures: You will have the option of “live” class or flexible viewing. We will create Zoom lectures at our normal times: Wednesday & Friday at 1:25 p.m. (Details to follow.) Lectures will be shortened to 20 minutes, with 20 minutes for discussion using the Zoom chat feature. We will post recorded lectures (with captions) to our website by 3:00 p.m. the same day.
  • NEW Discussion forum: Your TAs will create a discussion forum for each recitation group. Over the remaining four weeks, we ask that you each post two responses to the readings and reply to one of your classmates’ postings (within 72 hours of “class”).
  • Final: The final options remain roughly the same: you will have the choice of a take-home exam (with two days to complete) or a final project. Please take a look at more details.

We recognize that people you know and love are facing immense hardships. Our circumstances, and our spirits, are being buffeted. Therefore our bywords moving forward will be flexibility, adaptability, and kindness. Please keep the lines of communication open; all four of us are here for you as we navigate these uncertain waters together.

With warm good wishes,

Michele Rivkin-Fish

Jane Thrailkill

Julio Villa-Palomino

Grant Glass


Author: Grant Glass

English and Comp Literature